Genome assembly of the JD17 soybean provides a new reference genome for comparative genomics

G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics

2022-02 | Journal article


Cultivated soybean (Glycine max) is an important source for protein and oil. Many elite cultivars with different traits have been developed for different conditions. Each soybean strain has its own genetic diversity, and the availability of more high-quality soybean genomes can enhance comparative genomic analysis for identifying genetic underpinnings for its unique traits. In this study, we constructed a high-quality de novo assembly of an elite soybean cultivar Jidou 17 (JD17) with chromsome contiguity and high accuracy. We annotated 52,840 gene models and reconstructed 74,054 high-quality full-length transcripts. We performed a genome-wide comparative analysis based on the reference genome of JD17 with three published soybeans (WM82, ZH13 and W05), which identified five large inversions and two large translocations specific to JD17, 20,984—46,912 PAVs spanning 13.1—46.9 Mb in size. 1,695,741—3,664,629 SNPs and 446,689—800,489 Indels were identified and annotated between JD17 and them. Symbiotic nitrogen fixation (SNF) genes were identified and the effects from these variants were further evaluated. It was found that the coding sequences of 9 nitrogen fixation-related genes were greatly affected. The high-quality genome assembly of JD17 can serve as a valuable reference for soybean functional genomics research.

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Yi X, Liu J, Chen S, Wu H, Liu M, Xu Q, Lei L, Lee S, Zhang B, Kudrna D, Fan W, Wing R, Wang X, Zhang M, Zhang J*, Yang C*, Chen N* (*corresponding authors). Genome assembly of the JD17 soybean provides a new reference genome for comparative genomics. G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics, 2022, 12(4):jkac017. DOI: 10.1093/g3journal/jkac017